Monday, March 9, 2009

3-D U/S

For my birthday on Saturday we went and had our 2nd 3-d ultrasound done. It was so amazing! We were hoping to get better pictures of her face but she is a stubborn little girl and would only give us bits and pieces. But from what we did see we think that she is just the most beautiful little girl! :) She definately has my nose and Jeromy's lips. The lady who did the ultrasound said that she is practicing her breathing already and she opened her eyes a couple times for us. She couldn't see any hair yet but she did say that she has chubby cheeks and a double chin. LOL! Our little chubby girl. Seeing these made us so anxious to see her, hold her and kiss her chubby little cheeks. We scheduled our final ultrasound for 31 weeks instead of 32-33 weeks because the lady thinks that she will be too big to get pictures of at that point. We know for sure that she is going to be tall...her legs are the longest part of her whole body! And her feet.....well....with me wearing an 8-9 and Jeromy in a 13
we know that she will have big feet. LOL! So here are our 2 favorite pictures from the session. I hope you all enjoy her!