Wednesday, April 22, 2009

34 Weeks and 31 days left!

I am 34 weeks pregnant today! I have said it a million times but I am going to say it again and again.....I can't beleive that I am this far along and 31 days away from meeting our baby girl!!

We were sent to Labor and Delivery this past Saturday after I had been experiencing some severe rib pain for 2 days. They hooked me up to the monitor and also did a Non Stress Test. (A non-stress test is when they monitor baby's movements.) Karsyn was doing wonderful but apparently I was having some pretty regular contractions during my stay there. They were about 5-7 minutes apart and spiking pretty high on the monitor. When the nurse checked me she determined that I was 1-1.5 centimeters and 50-75% effaced! I couldn't beleive it when I heard that! I was certain that they were going to say "Long and Closed." They sent me home because they were getting stronger or closer and gave me pain meds for my ribs.

I am actually happy to know that I am progressing and that these Braxton Hicks have been making some changes in preparing my body for Miss Karsyn to arrive. We just would like her to stay put for a few more weeks so that she doesn't have to spend any time in the NICU. After our follow up appointment with Dr. Garner on Monday he put me on restricted work schedule which consists of 3 days per week and 4 hours per day. I am happy that I am at least able to work a little longer to keep that extra income coming in. And I know that my work is happy to have me to train until my leave begins. As long as everything stays the same and there is no significant change I am going to try to work as long as I possibly can.

I finally took some new belly pictures today so I will share them with you all. I look huge and exhausted but I guess at 8 1/2 months pregnant what can I expect. :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

33 weeks and 3-D sono pics!

I can't beleive that the last 33 weeks and 1 day (who's counting?) have gone by so quickly! We are officially in a count down of 5 weeks and 1 day until induction day. Dr. Garner is going to be inducing me on May 22nd and it is creeping up quickly. We still have lots to get done but I am trying to space out the things so that the weeks won't start to stand still. I have my next appointment on Monday and I am anxious to see what Dr. Garner says.

Saturday we had our final 3-D sono. It was really awesome and we just think that Karsyn is such a little angel! I can't wait to kiss her chubby little cheeks and her pouty lips in person. Here are some of our favorites from the pictures that we got.

She is really smushed in this one but check out her double chin! LOL! And those lips are so pouty! She obviously gets those from Jeromy.
My little girl likes to stick her tongue out. I LOVE IT! My mom said that I constantly stuck my tongue out when I was a baby...I guess she gets that from her mommy. :)
I just love this picture! Her sweet little baby face! I just think she is so precious!
This isn't a very good picture but I just love those little lips and I had to show them off again!
Chubby chubby little baby cheeks! Jeromy said that she gets these from too many Tagalong cookies. :)

Isn't she such a little angel. :) I mean I know that we are prejudice but we just can't stop smiling at her. Well, I guess that wraps up this post. Although I will leave you all on a funny note. Last night I went shopping with Ashley and little Ryan for clothes for me to wear after Karsyn is born. I was trying clothes on as best as I could and Ryan looks up at me and says "Oh....Lala baby...oh" (He calls me Lala.) I know it doesn't sound that funny written down but if you could have seen his face so shocked and hear the words in his deep little voice you would have laughed as loud as Ashley and I did. I just love my little Nephew!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Sunday I had my 2nd Baby Shower at Jenny's house. My friends threw it for me and it was awesome! I am so blessed to have such an amazing group of friends. We received so many wonderful gifts and now everything will be all ready for Karsyn to come.

Isn't this sign adorable!?!? Laura had it made for the shower.

Before the game.

Getting ready to open gifts.

Cute little bloomers that Jenny ordered Karsyn. LOVE THEM!

Her piggy bank from Aunt Ashley.
Ashley made her this blanket!
Kara and I after the shower.
Karlee and I after the shower.

Ashley and I.

All my shower hostesses. (Except Laura, she left early.)

The Little Elm Crew. We all graduated together. (And we're still lookin good!)

I had such a great time! I am seriously so lucky! :)

A few updates! And Maternity photo sneak peak!!!

We had our 32 week appointment yesterday. It went really well. I am now at a total of 21lbs. gained through this pregnancy. Not too shabby for being 8 months pregnant as of tomorrow. We had an u/s and Karsyn looks great. She still has the echogenic foci on her heart but our OB and pedi are not concerned with it so we are trying not to be either. (Easier said then done when it's your baby.) We had an u/s tech that I don't particularly care for. She isn't very friendly and pushed and poked my stomach so hard trying to get her to turn around that I was sore afterwards. Anyway, on to Karsyn....she is weighing in at an est. 4lbs. head down, face down. The tech pointed out hair on her head. (SO CUTE!) And she is getting chubby little cheeks! I really can't wait to have our 3-D u/s on Saturday. Hopefully she will turn over this time so we can get a good look at her face!

And drumroll please..........Dr. Garner said that he only wants to keep her in about 6 more weeks so that she doesn't get too big. He is going to induce us on May 22nd. It just is so crazy that we are now at a count down of when we will be meeting her! I hope that this month goes by quickly so that I don't crazy! Although we still have so much to get ready before she makes her appearance so I guess that 6 weeks won't seem too long!

And here are some sneak peaks from our maternity photo session that we had done on 3/29/09 at 30 weeks 4 days.